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Art 211

Media, techniques, and inquiry suitable for secondary schools.

Clinical Experience Completed: 26.77 hours

In Class Work:
Representation Unit

IPTS (2013) STANDARD 2 - Content Area and Pedagogical Knowledge - The competent teacher has in-depth understanding of content area knowledge that includes central concepts, methods of inquiry, structures of the disciplines, and content area literacy. The teacher creates meaningful learning experiences for each student based upon interactions among content area and pedagogical knowledge, and evidence-based practice.


Description: To the [direction], I have uploaded a practice portrait from our practice representation unit from our in-class work. It is a piece created with a strict primary color palette of acrylic paints and pops of color pencil. I have also attached my pre-assessment of color mixing and tree-scape which we began our unit with.

Rationale: These pieces were made for us students to practice getting a feel for conducting and organizing a unit lesson plan for our clinical experience in an actual classroom for three weeks later in the semester (April 2022).

Evidence: To the right, I've added images my final portrait with the artist statement attached via click, my color mixing practice tree-scape, a flat lay of my workspace, and a cropping assessment.

Unit Lesson

IPTS (2013) - STANDARD 1 - Teaching Diverse Students - The competent teacher understands the diverse characteristics and abilities of each student and how individuals develop and learn within the context of their social, economic, cultural, linguistic, and academic experiences. The teacher uses these experiences to create instructional opportunities that maximize student learning.


Description: I created a 6th grade Unit Lesson Plan called the “Egyptian Profile Portrait” which combines students' prior knowledge of Egyptian life to pattern practice together. With this unit, students were made to collage their side profile portraits of themselves as Egyptian personas using reference of Egyptian hairstyles, jewelry, and costumes (if they so choose to).


Rationale: Our main objectives were to practice drawing their side profiles, learn to plan, trace, map, and layer all while using color and patterns with construction paper and scrapbook paper. This unit lesson plan was inspired by Bisa Butler's colorful, quilted textile portraits. A unit lesson plan of representation with an Egyptian twist.

Evidence: Attached to my first image, "Teacher Examples", is my completed Unit Lesson Plan and photos of final projects // Work from my 6th grade students at Peoria Public Schools.

Unit Lesson Plan:
Assessments & Rubrics

IPTS (2013) -STANDARD 7 - Assessment - The competent teacher understands and uses appropriate formative and summative assessment for determining student needs, monitoring student progress, measuring student growth, and evaluating student outcomes. The teacher makes decisions driven by data about curricular and instructional effectiveness and adjusts practices to meet the needs of each student.


Description: For our “Egyptian Profile Portrait”, I put together a series of two main types of assessments: formative and summative. Our first formative assessment was made of a brainstorming worksheet for my students to plan their color schemes and practice drawing their side profiles, Egyptian jewelry, costumes, etc. Our next mini formative assessment included practicing their side profile by looking through a mirror (as they waited to get their side profile photo taken and printed). Afterwards, I would walk around to check and help them with tracing and mapping using their photo reference as I demonstrated in the beginning of class, and as our work days concluded, their final portrait was complete with their rubric and artist statement.

As for their summative assessment, I had prepared two prompt questions attached to their rubric for writing short sentences for their artist statements. The first question ask for them to use descriptive language to describe their portraits in terms of the colors they used and patterns they choose, and the second question was to describe their process: from learning about our key artists, learning to trace, map, and layering shapes to create their portraits together.


Rationale: I wanted to assess their progress through a series of practices for them to gather enough information to put together their final portraits. With the worksheet, it was about planning, looking, “researching” through the reference images provided in their packets, and putting it into practice on their own. Their mirror portrait practice was to assess their prior knowledge of drawing themselves and looking at themselves as references to create their final project. Finally, I revised my CT’s usual rubric and added artist statement prompts to gather their understanding of looking and describing their projects as art.

Evidence: Below is a student’s completed work with their artist statement and rubric with copies of the assessments available via link & click


Unit Lesson Plan:
Artist Handout & Presentation


IPTS (2013) STANDARD 6 -Reading, Writing, and Oral Communication - The competent teacher has foundational knowledge of reading, writing, and oral communication within the content area and recognizes and addresses student reading, writing, and oral communication needs to facilitate the acquisition of content knowledge.


Description: The beginning of our “Egyptian Profile Portrait” unit began by talking and looking at Egyptian life and art from the tombs to the mummies and artifacts from the Institute of Art in Chicago website. Next, to prepare them for their artist statements later in the unit, we took a day to discuss conceptual frameworks and look at artworks by Bisa Butler, Sonia Boyce, and Kehinde Wiley to compare and find inspiration for their collaged Egyptian profile portraits using color and patterns. After, the latter slides of the presentation are of our daily goals which would be edited and displayed for my students to get to know what we are doing and what to accomplish at the end of class time. Also seen to the [direction], this is an attachment of their “Egyptian Profile Portrait” packet that was printed and stored in their folders and used through the unit lesson plan. It includes their brainstorming worksheet, artist handout about Bisa Butler, her audience, her artwork, and conceptual questions about her artwork. It also includes biographies of Sonia Boyce and Kehinde Wiley as well as artwork examples and questions about their art and information about our project: goals, vocabulary, and photo references of Egyptian life. The last page of their packet is their rubric.


Rationale: I created the presentation as a visual aid to the packet I had printed and stored in their class folders for us to refer to throughout the unit lesson plan with examples of our key artists work and Egyptian art, hair styles, jewelry, and costumes.

Evidence: Upload PDFs and screenshots of presentation

PAL 1's


IPTS (2013) STANDARD 9 - Professionalism, Leadership, and Advocacy - The competent teacher is an ethical and reflective practitioner who exhibits professionalism; provides leadership in the learning community; and advocates for students, parents or guardians, and the profession.


Description: I attended Katherine Vernon’s Artist Talk for their BFA show called, “I’m Going to my Room!” on Wednesday, April 6, 2022 at 3:30pm in the Transpace Gallery space at the CVA.


Rationale: It was so emotive and special to be in the room where there were so many people supporting her in her artistry and statement behind the concept of her show which was a reinvention of her childhood dream room. I was so incredibly thankful to have had a chance to attend and listen to her story as well as see what she has produced through the semester.


Evidence: Photos of the day, her talk, and her work


Description: On Thursday, April 14, 2022 at 9-11, I attended Ian Cooper (Kaelin) and Jade Nguyen’s grad reviews in the CVA 110 in person and via zoom.


Rationale: As part of Intaglio I, we were invited to attend one grad review and our TA’s, Ian Cooper (Kaelin), happen to fall right in our class time. It was a pleasure to see all the work they've been working on throughout the semester called, “Occentatcia”. The air in the space was buzzing with excitement and so much pride and support for Kaelin - it was special to be a part of. As for Jade’s grad review, I listened via Zoom to her artist talk and discussion on her photography and video of her visit back “home” to Vietnam from last semester. I felt touched by their talk because it reminded me of the foreign feeling of being a visitor of Mexico - even though that was also “home” when I was younger, and my family there makes it “home”. It was beautiful to see her work and listen to her reflection of identity and foreign places (whether that be Vietnam or U.S.A).


Evidence: Attach photos of grad reviews


Description: I visited Regan Stewart’s BFA show called, “Traces We Leave Behind” on Thursday, April 14, during the Transpace Gallery’s open hours between 12-4pm at the CVA.


Rationale: I was eager to see Regan’s work to support her as fellow peer; it was great see the work she was been talking about in our glass class in person and displayed as an investigation of different photography medias (film, digital, etc.) and see her dark room experimental pieces frame along the back wall of the gallery space.

Evidence: below are photos of myself at the shows and photo captured of the artist's shows, etc.

PAL 2's


IPTS (2013) STANDARD 9 - Professionalism, Leadership, and Advocacy - The competent teacher is an ethical and reflective practitioner who exhibits professionalism; provides leadership in the learning community; and advocates for students, parents or guardians, and the profession.


Description/Rationale: Every Lenten/Easter (March 3 - April 16), I have the privilege of being commissioned baptism candles for families in my church; this year I painted two candles for a baby boy and a baby so I chose images of Jesus and Mary. I was also commissioned to paint a tall Pascual candle for a group in my church too - this is my third candle in two years.


Evidence: Attach photos of candles and me working


Description/Rationale: This year I had the privilege of being a part of ISU’s Student Annual Exhibition 2022 at the University Galleries April 14-May 8. My piece, “Puerto Vallarta”, a tiny (2x3”) oil painting was hung proudly in the right wing of the University Galleries. I was humbled to receive two awards that night as well: the Karen Deske Scholarship from the Wonsook School of Art and the Richard D. Finch Undergraduate Drawing and Printmaking Award given by the University Galleries and jurors. I am so grateful for these opportunities to pursue art and teaching, semester of learning and growing, and the abundance of support from my professors, friends, and family near and far.


Evidence: Below are photos from opening reception day at the University Galleries, myself working on the Pascual candle, and the completed painted baptism candles.

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