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Hello & Welcome! 

My name is Alondra M. Quezada and I am a Latina Central Illinois based artist.

Over the years, I’ve had the opportunity to work on a number of incredible projects that have allowed me to grow and establish myself as a painter and an artist. I hope you’ll enjoy viewing my projects as much as I enjoyed working on them. Go ahead and explore, and don’t hesitate to reach out if you’d like to learn more.

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Artist Statement

My history has formed my identity and the identity of my work. I am a daughter of two immigrants who crossed the border from Mexico and raised my older sister and me in Southern California. In my early childhood, we moved to Central Illinois which has shaped the person I am today. I dedicate my artistry to my parents and sister. I’ve gained my imagination from my mom and practical skills of building from scratch from my dad; I get my drive to create and challenge myself from my sister. I am inspired by the “natural world” or everyday life: from people to landscapes to my morning coffee.

My work varies in scale from blown up, obscure portraits to tiny landscapes. I like to think of my work as an invitation to my point of view, to see the world the way I see it. It may be positive, sunny, sweet, or harsh, dark, and limiting. I am inspired by bold lines, shapes, and colors. I am very mindful and intuitive, so everything has meaning to me.

I begin my work with a simple thought and scratchy sketch; I enjoy painting because of the process or ritual behind it: it’s a strategic process of thought, sketch, plan, build/find canvas, transfer, paint, and frame. The painting process alone is fascinating and humbling from mixing the paint to applying it to the surface. With acrylic, you have to think, mix and apply quickly because if you wait too long, the paint is dry by the time you put it down on canvas. Oil painting is timely and long, you need patience to wait between glazing and layering when creating a piece. It’s like a meditation which allows my mind to slow down, sometimes not even think, just do and focus as the world continues around me.


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Introduce yourself & let's connect.

Email: alocreations123@gmailcom

DM me: @alostudioco

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