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Teaching Philosophy

Art Teaching Education


I believe the purpose of education is to open doors to opportunities for discovery and identity as well as build creative minds and critical/logical thinkers. Learning from real-life experiences and developing meaningful life questions related to the curriculum can be seen in a progressive classroom, this allows for students to think creatively and critically whether in an assigned art project or using those skills in a math problem. Students will learn about the beauty surrounding them with art aesthetics which can further explain how the world came about. In addition to this, students would have a chance to learn new skills with different media which can be used in other realms of their lives whether academically or outside of school in their future careers such as engineering, architecture, biologists, archeologists, fashion designers, etc.

I believe the role as a teacher is to be a guide students to be empowering people, to be role models for themselves and others, and challenge them to be creative and expressive. As a teacher, I have the responsibility of teaching students to be respectful and mindful of their peers and be open to different learning experiences. I have the responsibility of being engaging to the needs of the students and setting them on the right path for their preferred careers. and etc. I would also create an environment where the students feel free to be themselves as artists. As for the roles of the students, their willingness to learn and participate in class is what I aim for them to have as they walk into the classroom.



Illinois Central College


Illinois State University

Associates in Art, 2020

Major: Art, Education

Clinical Experience: District 50 Schools (Washington)

Volunteer: Washington Gifted Middle School, Art Exploratory, Drawing Instructor

Major: Art Teaching Education, Studio Painting

Minor: Bilingual Education

Clinical Experience: Illinois Art Station (Bloomington), Roosevelt Art Magnet School (Peoria), Illinois State University Saturday Classes,

Student Teaching Experience: TBA

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