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Student Teaching

Placement #1: Middle School Art (6th Grade) at Central Intermediate in Washington: 8 1/2 Weeks
Placement #2: Elementary Art at Lincoln K-8 (K-5th Grade) at Lincoln K-8 in Peoria: 7 Weeks

Key Unit

SELF-CREATED UNIT PLANS WITH LESSON PLANS & TEACHING MATERIALS - One from each placement or two if you are in one placement for the whole semester(elementary or middle school, middle school or high school) - unit plan, artist handout (if appropriate), PowerPoint (if appropriate), sample artwork, sample completed artist statement (if appropriate)

           Central Intermediate School (6th Grade Art Quarter) in Washington, IL: Making Miniature, Memorable, Meaningful Places                &  Dinner Party! Creating Ceramic Food Vessels





          Lincoln K-8 (K-5th Grade) in Peoria, IL: Fall Leaf Resists with Watercolor & Mini Project: Creating Superhero Trading Cards






IPTS (2013) STANDARD 2 - Content Area and Pedagogical KnowledgeThe competent teacher has an in-depth understanding of content-area knowledge that includes central concepts, methods of inquiry, structures of disciplines, and content area literacy. The teacher creates meaningful learning experiences for each student based upon interactions among content area and pedagogical knowledge, and evidence-based practice.

IPTS (2013) STANDARD 5 - Instructional Delivery - The competent teacher differentiates instruction by using a variety of strategies that support critical and creative thinking, problem-solving, and continuous growth and learning. The teacher understands that the classroom is a dynamic environment requiring ongoing modification of instruction to enhance learning for each student.

Description: Above, I shared materials of my unit lesson plans from both placements all about specials places, favorite foods, fall themes, and superpowers. I taught 6th grade middle school art at Central Intermediate in Washington, IL for 8 1/2 weeks. Both units were ten days starting with an Artist & Artwork Talk and end with a Gallery Walk where we walk around to appreciate each other's art. As for elementary art, I taught kindergarten through 5th grade at Lincoln K-8 in Peoria, IL for 6-7 weeks. My units and mini projects ranged from one day to two day lessons. I had the privilege of teaching both in English and Spanish, for Lincoln has a Dual-Language Program. My lessons begin with a mini Artist & Artwork Talk, demo videos, and how-to steps as reminders. My leaf resist materials are available in both English and Spanish for the elementary level.

Rationale: I created lessons with my student's interest in mind using topics and ideas they would be able to relate to and followed the K-6 National Visual Arts Standards

Evidence: Click the buttons above for materials such as my presentations, artist handouts, demo videos, artist videos, student examples, my examples, and extra materials.


Formative & Summative

ASSESSMENT METHODS PORTFOLIO - One formative and summative assessment from each placement or two if in one placement for the semester to match the plans above

IPTS (2013) STANDARD 7 - Assessment - The competent teacher understands and uses appropriate formative and summative assessments for determining student needs, monitoring student progress, measuring student growth, and evaluating student outcomes. The teacher makes decisions driven by data about curricular and instructional effectiveness and adjusts practices to meet the needs of each student.

Description & Rationale: Aligning with our creating, presenting, and connecting national visual art standards (VA:Cr1.2.6a, VA:Pr4.1.6a, VA:Cn10.1.6a), students will be able to investigate different places they find personable and special to them and discuss a list of adjectives to describe their meaningful, memorable place. Students will be able to analyze similarities and differences between their work and peer’s works during our Gallery Walk using T.A.G., and students will be able to create a list and sketches of places around their community they find special to them and share with the class or in small group activities. By talking about place in our Artist and Artwork Talk and providing them an ample amount of examples of my own art (and experience with Places), Mrs. Kinder’s art, and other student’s pieces, my students were exposed to in multiple ways their miniature, memorable, meaningful places.


As for my formative assessments, each part scaffolded to the next task. It helped me see their initial understanding of the big idea (describing place, jamboard brainstorm), their idea of their own memorable place (brainstorming worksheet, sketch), and check of understanding/one-on-one. As for our summative, the ultimate idea is for my students to upload a photo of their miniature, memorable, meaningful place to Artsonia, have them complete (max) two questions on the artist worksheet, and participate in our Gallery Walk (on Thursday) where we will set up their piece in their spots and use the T. A. G. method (tell a compliment, ask a question, give feedback) to guide a final discussion on how they feel about their art, about others, and more. Next to their piece, there will be their final piece, their artist statement (worksheet for others to read), and a worksheet/paper with lines for other peers to add their T.A.G. comments. Then, in the end, we will give them time to read from what their peers wrote then share what stood out to them.


I have planned for a smaller version of an artist and artwork talk with the elementary kids. I will share small information about our key artists, simple questions related to their art, and starting with small partner discussion then join in a class discussion. Having time to discuss an artist and questions about an artwork or display go along with the presenting and connecting national visual art standards. In one sense, I am subtly reviewing what they know, like talking about color schemes and patterns to transition into shapes and textures (which my next two unit lesson plans focus on). One on one meetings and feedback will be another form of formative assessments while the final project will be the summative assessment.

Evidence: Click on the buttons below for my materials and assessment plans.

IPTS (2013) STANDARD 9 - Professionalism, Leadership, and Advocacy - The competent teacher is an ethical and reflective practitioner who exhibits professionalism, provides leadership in the learning community; and advocates fro students, parents or guardians, and the profession.


Description: This August (26), I took the chance to visit "Van Gogh and the Avante-Garde: the Modern Landscapecurated by the Institute of Art in Chicago with sister. It was a very sweet experience to see and talk with my sister her opinion, thoughts, and ideas behind the art that we saw.

Rationale: Going to the Art Institute in Chicago is a privilege I don't take for granted. Considering it is a day trip to go, my sister and I wanted to visit Van Gogh's exhibition (as Van Gogh enthusiasts) to see his work in person, observe his methods as a painter, and learn more of the times through landscapes. I personally love painting landscapes - more specifically, miniature oil paintings as little memories of my trips, my home, my experiences. It's become an essential as I travel everywhere and anywhere from the States to Mexico to the middle East to Europe and back.

Evidence: Check out my google folder attached below as well as my paint portfolio for more information.


PAL 1's

PAL 2's

IPTS (2013) STANDARD 9 - Professionalism, Leadership, and Advocacy - The competent teacher is an ethical and reflective practitioner who exhibits professionalism, provides leadership in the learning community; and advocates fro students, parents or guardians, and the profession.


Description(s): Presented at IAEA Conference in Charles IL - October 20, 2023 with my ISU cohort - In May, I was invited to present with my lesson plan partner about our unit lesson plan, "Making Miniature, Meaningful, Memorable Places". We were a part of a 50 minute presentation, "Reflection on Our Experiences", along with Dr. Briggs and 6 other ISU student and novice teachers. Our presentation was all about our experiences teaching our lessons using contemporary artists and multimedia sources. This semester, I had the privilege of participating in two more art exhibitions: "¿Estamos...? (We Are...?)" in Elgin, IL and "Nuestra Gente" in Normal, IL curated by Andres Dominguez-Fernandez, fellow art ed peer and friend. My paintings, "En Mi Pueblito Mio", and "Donde Se Fueron, Donde Estaran" were both accepted and exhibited in September 15-October 3 at the Side Street Studio Arts. My miniature painting, "Mi Lugar Favorito", was exhibited in September 26-October 13 at the Julian Hall in Normal, IL.

Rationale(s): These experiences were incredible opportunities for me to reach out outside of a school environment. It was great for me to meet and network with my peers and other art educators at IAEA as well as gain new lesson ideas, classroom management, and what to expect as a new teacher. As for the exhibitions, these were special events considering the exhibition in Elgin is the farthest exhibition I've participated in and it was not school related as well as "Nuestra Gente" being curated by my friend and having been reached out to be a part of an event sharing our cultural pride. Both shows exclusively exhibited Latinx artists which was extra special to be a part of; to share my experience as a first gen American, I shared childhood memories, femicide awareness, and places dear to my heart in my paintings is a privilege to share. I am extremely grateful for these opportunities.

Evidence: Check out my google folder attached below as well as my paint portfolio for more information.




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